
Saturday 4 December 2010

In which I rant about my own limitations and the general sliminess of politicians

My last entry was all about my efforts to improve my language and writing. It was a noble ambition, dear reader, but how I wish I could convey in words how frustrating it is when whatever one writes is complete rubbish.

As part of my journalism course at the university, I have classes at the training rooms of a local newspaper, ‘The Argus’. As cool as it sounds, the reality is really different. I confess that when I read about this part of the course, I was absolutely thrilled. However, after six weeks of training, the misconception that I had a fairly decent talent for writing has been shattered to smithereens.

The first thing that I learnt was that there is a huge difference between being a writer and a journalist. All the ideas I had about writing are so different from the practical skills that we are being taught. I love to use flowery words but no siree, I now have to say a lot of things in a few words. It is kind of clever how we are being encouraged to play with words. It is also depressing to note that I have absolutely no knack for it. Anyway, I can try!!!  

On a completely different note, I recently witnessed the student protests against fee hike from next year. Apparently, the politician, Nick Clegg, promised the voters that he would not raise the University fees but now that he is in power, he is singing a completely different tune!!! Big Surprise!!! I don’t want to come across as cynical but here it is- “politicians are the same everywhere”.

They lie and cheat their way into power and once they have it, well, they follow their own whims. Well who are they kidding? The public is not completely stupid. So, Mr Clegg, enjoy your position whilst you have it because I don’t think that the public will want you back. It is the same in India!!! I bet the different parties behave like they hate each other in public and then laugh about how gullible we are behind closed doors!!
Anyway, what really impressed me was the united front that the students across the UK have put up. I do hope that they get what they want and on that optimistic note, I end this entry. 

About 1,500 students are marching through the city today.

At about 3pm, a group of them approached Brighton Town Hall in Bartholemew Square, and shortly afterwards occupied Priory House nearby.
They also entered the Brighton University building in Gra
Students Marching in Protest in Brighton
About 1,500 students are marching through the city today.

At about 3pm, a group of them approached Brighton Town Hall in Bartholemew Square, and shortly afterwards occupied Priory House nearby.
They also entered the Brighton University building in Gra
Brighton and Sussex University Students march hand in hand as a symbol of unity

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