Dear Reader, a couple of days ago I was introduced to someone at a
dinner at our house. A gentleman I spoke to for quite some
time. I was struck by how many assumptions he formed about me by the end of our
conversation. When another guest asked him if he had enjoyed the conversation
he said,
"Very much! She is an interesting young
woman...although slightly too intellectual and probably a 'radical
leftist'....definitely a problem for her poor parents...too intense for me, but
over all a dear, sweet, polite, cheerful girl! Oh, I like her very much!"
All you readers of books and many fellow writers will agree with me when
I say...The Above Described Cliché Does Not Exist!!! It is the figment of the
imagination of some really naive writer (probably a man), who knew nothing of
Now, I know a lot of women who loosely fit this description (I
admit I'm one).Yet, there are those, the really frightening ones,
that even I can't find excuses for. They are the ones who fancy themselves as tortured artists, obsessed with rain and coffee...they rhapsodise about
cigarettes and Marx....they think that reading mind numbingly boring books by
Kafka (my opinion only) is cool , discuss the upliftment of the poor and
aspire to live the life of glorious simplicity while they sip their beloved
coffee in really pretentious and overpriced shops.
I like puppies, kittens, ice cream, cake and rainbows, but, I would not
want Zooey Deschanel,( however much I like her ) playing me in a movie
about my life!
In the end of this post, I want to say one thing. I deeply resent stereotyping women into clichés like 'Hot Bimbo', 'Nerdy Unattractive
Intellectual', 'Manic Pixie Girl', 'Cute Girl Next Door', 'Tortured, sensitive
Arty type' etc etc... a woman can embody all of the above and still be a
complex puzzle. Women are not 'types' that can be classified into neat
personality type boxes...they are just individuals, and everyone is uniquely
different. I also realise that men suffer from being typecast too! Yet, their stereotypes are more often than not kinder than those of women. So forgive me, dear reader, if
you are male when I say boo hoo!!! Try being a young woman on the receiving end
of a compliment, that could be a thinly veiled insult, when all you can do
is smile tightly, as you don't want 'horribly rude' to be added to your glowing
list of so called 'qualities'.